Friday, May 7, 2010

To HOG or not to H.O.G.

George and Max

Wilbur from Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Olivia by Ian Falconer

Was going to write about the Contact Photo Festival and the Toronto Comic Arts Festival today, but I really have to address the HOG thing that keeps popping up.
As in House of Groves - H.O.G.

My paternal grandmother's maiden name was Groves. She was an oil painter. I have memories of walking into her sunfilled groundfloor studio - all windows - in the manner of an English greenhouse addition. She always wore a stained smock and there were paintings leaning against every bare space. The thickness of the oil paint, the colours and the sheer time she had to lend to this, seemed then and now so decadent and romantic.

Groves seemed a natural fit and the House part, well, it leant well to my love of period literature, movies etc. I didn't think through the acronym until I was well underway.

I thought I would ignore it - until yesterday when I decided to see if there was any new press. And came across Briony's lovely write-up again on blogto. It has inspired a really interesting dialogue. I'll let you check it out, but the last two comments have referred to House of Groves as HOG. One was flattering, the other not so much.

In both respects, I am kind of loving it. So deliciously not what I had originally set out to portray. Nicely tongue in cheek. Maybe a little min pig logo? Olivia and Wilbur are both lovely pigs and didn't Georgie Clooney have a hog? Who knew I would be HOG? Do I go with it or studiously ignore it? Would love your opinion!

Link to write up and comments:

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